Observing the 15th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, together

This weekend, we remember and mourn the loved ones who were lost that fateful morning fifteen years ago. And we remember how, in the wake of those attacks, when confronted with such evil, we did not let hate divide us. Instead, we pulled together and emerged more resilient than ever. We were not Democrats or Republicans during those dark days; we were simply Americans, lending our hands to help one another.

I joined my friend and fellow veteran, Joni Ernst, Republican Senator from Iowa, to share our memories and reflect on what this anniversary means for us. To view our discussion, click here, or click the image below.

In the hours and days following September 11th, we came together as Americans and stood truly united as one nation. It can sometimes be easy to forget the unity we felt in the aftermath of those attacks. But this weekend, we should all pause and honor the memories of those who perished by renewing that sense of solidarity, which gave us the courage and strength to rebuild in the wake of tragedy.

God bless.
