Carper, Coons, Blunt Rochester Announce $5 million to Power Economic Development in Dover

DOVER, Del. – U.S. Senators Tom Carper and Chris Coons (both D-Del.) gathered at Garrison Oak Business and Technology Park to announce $5 million in federal funding to help bring hundreds of jobs to Dover. 

Specifically, the funding will help build a substation that will power Garrison Oak Business and Technology Park, as well as provide backup power to the city. 

Carper, Coons and Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester secured this funding through the omnibus appropriations bill passed in March. Delaware’s congressional delegation has secured nearly $100 million for Delaware communities and projects up and down the state.

“I’ve long said that the role of government is to create a nurturing environment for job growth, and that’s exactly what we are doing here with $5 million in federal funding to help power future development in Dover,” said Senator Carper. “Powering this industrial area has the potential to create hundreds of jobs and provide backup electricity to our state’s capital city. That is a win-win for Dover and our region.”

“Investing in projects that supply enough energy to power our existing infrastructure—that can sustain powering future developments as well—must remain a top priority for Delaware to continue on a pathway of economic success,” said Senator Coons. “Securing $5 million for Garrison Oak Business and Technology Park will bring both jobs and economic development to the City of Dover, and I’m glad to have secured this funding alongside Senator Carper and Congresswoman Blunt Rochester.”

“Having served as Delaware’s Secretary of Labor, job creation has – and always will be – a driving force behind my work,” said Congresswoman Blunt Rochester. “This $5 million in federal funding – secured by the federal delegation – won’t only be used to power Garrison Oak Business and Technology Park, it will also drive economic development in Dover – a win-win for Dover and our entire state. I look forward to the implementation of this new substation and the investments it will bring to Kent County.”

“We are very appreciative of the 5 million dollar grant that was made possible by our federal delegation,” said Dover Mayor Robin Christiansen. “Without the support from Senators Tom Carper and Chris Coons and from Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester this would not have been made available to us. These funds will allow improved electrical sustainability and reliability while aiding us in continuing the development of the Garrison Oak Business and Technology Park. By building more circuits on the east side of Dover, it allows increased resiliency to the electric grid and makes available additional opportunities for growth.”

