Carper Statement on President Biden’s EPA Nominees

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, today issued the following statement applauding President Biden’s nominations to the Environmental Protection Agency: Michal Freedhoff for Assistant Administrator for Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, Radhika Fox for Assistant Administrator for Water, and Faisal Amin for Chief Financial Officer:

“I’m pleased to see President Biden nominate such outstanding individuals to these top posts at the Environmental Protection Agency. I believe these individuals will lead the agency’s work with expertise, integrity, and honor.

“I know that firsthand when it comes to Michal Freedhoff, my former staff. It’s hard to imagine a better person for this role—Michal has a relentless spirit and tenacious work ethic that is rivaled by few. During her time in Congress, Michal worked tirelessly to form lasting, bipartisan solutions to protect our environment and public health while fostering economic growth. She led the charge to successfully pass a historic reauthorization of the Toxic Substances Control Act and legislation to protect communities from the most harmful PFAS ‘forever chemicals.’

“Michal Freedhoff is a true leader with an exceptional talent and drive to bring people together to serve the public. President Biden’s decision to nominate her is a testament to his commitment to restoring EPA’s mission and protecting America’s families and communities from harmful chemicals.

“I’m also pleased to see Radhika Fox and Faisal Amin nominated for key EPA posts. Radhika brings to her prospective role as head of the water office a deep understanding of water policy and the importance of making clean water accessible to all Americans, regardless of their income or zip code. Faisal Amin is a talented professional who has spent years making government work better for the American people. If confirmed as Chief Financial Officer, his expertise will help EPA confront some of our nation’s most pressing challenges.

“All three of these nominations reflect President Biden’s dedication to restoring EPA and strengthening our efforts to help the American people. I look forward to hearing from the nominees in the EPW Committee in the weeks ahead.”
