Senator Carper: Technology is the Key to Securing the Border

WASHINGTON – Today, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, underscored the importance of investing in strategic, flexible, and comprehensive technology investments to meet our nation’s border security needs during today’s committee hearing, “Securing the Southwest Border: Fencing, Infrastructure, and Technology Force Multipliers.”

“I have made several trips to our southern and northern borders over the past few years,” said Sen. Carper. “One thing I hear time and time again from men and women who work to secure our border is that ‘technology is the key to securing the border.’ I couldn’t agree more. We need smart, targeted border security investments. That means placing a priority on acquiring advanced cameras, sensors, and radars and other innovative technologies that act as force multipliers for our agents so that they have real time situational awareness along the border. During my trips, I have also learned that there is simply no ‘one size fits all’ solution to the technology and resources we use. That’s why the Department needs flexibility and support from Congress so its efforts can be nimble as conditions along our borders evolve. As I often say when it comes to issues that come before this committee, we need to figure out what works and do more of it. Today’s hearing was an important opportunity to discuss lessons learned and examine how border agencies can continue improving security along our borders through strategic investments in technology.”

Officials from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) underscored the importance of acquiring effective technologies to bolster efforts on the ground. From the DHS Security and Technology Directorate, Anh Duong, Director of Borders and Maritime Security Division, testified that, “Technology and knowledge products do not replace boots on the ground; rather they are an essential complement and critical to performing operational missions in a targeted, more efficient, more effective manner.”

