Sen. Carper Statement in Support of the DISCLOSE Act

WASHINGTON – Today, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), a cosponsor of the Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) Act of 2012, released the following statement in support of the legislation. The Senate voted not to take up the measure, 51to 44:

“Delawareans and all Americans deserve to know who’s funding our nation’s elections. After each election cycle, it becomes clearer to me that our campaign finance system must be improved or Americans’ faith in the political process will continue to erode. I believe that special interests and wealthy campaign donors have disproportionate influence over the political process, and that influence has arguably grown as elections become more expensive. By requiring outsides groups to divulge campaign finances and donations, the DISCLOSE Act would supply Americans with the tools and information to know who is attempting to influence their vote at the polls. Throughout my time in the Senate I have supported reasonable measures, like this bill, to ensure that our elections are fair and that special interests do not hold undue power in the political process. I believe the DISCLOSE Act takes the right approach. I hope my colleagues on both sides of the aisle can come together to join me in supporting this bill.”
