Sen. Carper Hails Choice Of Lisa Jackson To Head EPA

WASHINGTON – Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), a senior member of Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and chairman of the Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee, today hailed the choice of Lisa Jackson to head the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), saying she will be a great asset for addressing global warming and clean air issues in the next Congress.

Jackson joins Steven Chu, the Energy Secretary-designate, Nancy Sutley, who is to head the White House Council on Environmental Quality, and Carol Browner, a former EPA administrator who will help coordinate energy and environmental policy in the next administration, as a key member of the Obama Administration’s new environment team. 

Sen. Carper said:

“For the past eight years, the Bush administration has punted on some of the biggest environmental challenges of our time – global warming, energy independence and cleaning up our nation’s air. The next EPA Administrator is inheriting these problems at the same time our country is facing the worst economic crisis in decades, meaning we need someone who can build alliances, work with Congress and figure out a path forward that both grows the economy and protects the environment.

“I can think of few people more qualified and ready to lead the EPA during these challenging times than Lisa Jackson, a principled and pragmatic advocate with a strong resume at both the state and federal levels on a host of environmental and energy issues.

“I’ve had the privilege of working with Ms. Jackson and seeing her testify before the Environment and Public Works Committee on the importance of regulating carbon dioxide emissions while simultaneously reducing our emissions of smog, soot and mercury to benefit public health. I look forward to continuing that dialogue with Ms. Jackson and the rest of the Obama administration’s top-notch environment team.” 
