Delaware Day: Celebrating the “Delaware Way”

Dear Friends,

Two hundred and twenty-eight years ago, on December 7, 1787, a group of 30 elected delegates met at the Golden Fleece Tavern in Dover to decide the future of Delaware and our nation. On that day, Delawareans made the unanimous decision to ratify the U.S. Constitution and officially become the First State of our new nation. For about one week – five days before our neighbors in Pennsylvania ratified the Constitution – the state of Delaware composed the entire United States of America. A small wonder, indeed!

Today is Delaware Day, a celebration of Delaware’s leading role to launch the greatest and most enduring experiment in democracy known to mankind.

On Delaware Day, it’s especially important that we remember the “Delaware Way” – the spirit of community that pulls Delawareans together, regardless of political party, race, creed or religion, and encourages us to do what’s best for our state and fellow Delawareans. From Wilmington to Georgetown, and everywhere in between, Delawareans continue to work together regardless of our differences, and to build bridges across partisan divisions. That’s the Delaware Way.

Over the past few months, I have been reminded of the message Pope Francis conveyed when he addressed a joint session of Congress in September. He called on each of us to follow the Golden Rule and treat others the way we would want to be treated. I believe the Golden Rule is embodied in the Delaware Way – and I believe we should all try to invoke that spirit each and every day.
