Spread the word for our upcoming Veterans Job Fairs!

As a veteran and former naval flight officer, I understand the sacrifices our veterans and their families have made to defend our nation’s freedoms. We need to work every day to ensure we uphold our commitment to them here at home just as they do for us throughout the world. These brave men and women fight to protect us abroad, and they shouldn’t have to fight for a job when they return to civilian life. 

Over the years, I’ve teamed up with Senator Chris Coons and Congressman John Carney to host a number of job fairs for our veterans. Veterans have a lot to offer employers— they are proven leaders who know how to get a job done. They’re dedicated, they’re hard-working and they’re highly-motivated. During our veterans job fairs, we connect companies seeking employees with these skills with veterans seeking high-quality employment. It’s a truly rewarding chance to honor our veterans by providing them with the opportunities they deserve. 

In the coming weeks, we are hosting two job fairs just for our veterans – one on August 22 and another on September 1. Both are free and no registration is required. For more information on the upcoming job fairs, or if you’re an employer who wishes to participate, please visit my website or contact my Dover office at 302-674-3308.

I encourage you to spread the word to your family, friends and neighbors about our upcoming job fairs. Together, we share a sacred responsibility to ensure that our veterans have the resources and opportunities to pursue a successful and rewarding future following their service to our country.
