Carper, Coburn React to USPS Second Quarter Losses

WASHINGTON – Today, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Ranking Member Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) released the following reactions to the announcement that the U.S. Postal Service lost $1.9 billion in the second quarter of fiscal year 2014:

“Unfortunately, today’s announcement that the Postal Service lost $1.9 billion in the second quarter of 2014 comes as no surprise,” said Chairman Carper. “In 20 of the past 22 quarters, the Postal Service has announced losses, often times amounting to billions of dollars. The harsh reality is that it’s likely we’ll continue to see the U.S. Postal Service suffer unsustainable losses that threaten its long-term viability until Congress acts.  As I’ve said time and time again, Congress and the Administration need to come to agreement on comprehensive legislation that reforms, right-sizes and modernizes this American institution. The bipartisan Postal Reform Act of 2014, which Dr. Coburn and I passed out of Committee earlier this year, would make the changes that the Postal Service needs to thrive into the future. I am hopeful that this legislation will be brought to the Senate floor soon so we can save the Postal Service once and for all.”

“Without structural reform, taxpayers are going to keep seeing the Postal Service’s losses pile up,” said Dr. Coburn. “Both the Senate and the House have reform bills that would fix the problem. It’s time for Congress to get something passed before another quarter goes by.”
