Carper Statement on Selection of Brian Deese to Lead the National Economic Council

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Tom Carper (D-Del.), a senior member of the Senate Finance Committee and the top Democrat on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, released the following statement regarding President-elect Joe Biden’s selection of Brian Deese to serve as Director of the National Economic Council.


“Two of the biggest crises facing our country right now is an economy that has left too many Americans behind for too long, especially during this pandemic, and the existential threat of climate change that leaves our survival on this planet hanging in the balance. In Brian Deese, President-elect Biden has selected an individual who fundamentally believes and understands that these two crises are inextricably connected—that building a fairer, more prosperous economy is impossible without achieving environmental equity and ensuring a healthy, habitable planet. As the first climate policy expert to serve as Director of the National Economic Council, Brian Deese will put combatting the climate crisis at the center of the incoming Administration’s economic agenda and work tirelessly to bring much-needed relief and opportunity to American families and workers. 

“Brian’s track record speaks for itself. During the Obama Administration, he was integral in crafting the bailout of the American auto industry at the height of the Great Recession. He’s been tested during crises, has successfully worked to protect American jobs, and helped to rebuild our economy once before. He went on to be a lead negotiator of the Paris Climate Agreement, helping to bring the world together in support of ambitious action on climate. Most recently, he has worked with the nation’s largest companies to help reduce their impact on the environment we all share. That experience will prove to be an asset as President-elect Biden works to advance the boldest climate agenda from any administration to date that holds all stakeholders accountable.

“Having worked with Brian when he served as Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget, I know that he has the talent and intellect to be successful in any line of work. But we are fortunate that he has chosen to dedicate his time and talents to public service. He is not just passionate about making our world a better, fairer and healthier place; he has the experience to make those goals a reality. I want to extend my sincere congratulations to Brian and his family, and I look forward to working with him in the coming years.”
