Sen. Carper’s Sussex County Schedule for Wednesday, August 13th

Sussex County, DE - Senator Carper will spend Wednesday, August 13 in Sussex County.

The Senator will begin his day touring the Blessings Aquaculture Farm in Houston, which raises tilapia fish. The farm has 24 tanks that hold approximately 220,000 fish. Every month, 65,0000 pounds of tilapia are shipped from the farm. The majority is sold to a company in Canada that sells them to a large Asian market. Senator Carper will also participate in a book signing with Johnny Janosik who wrote, “Back to the Basics-The Johnny Janosik Story.” This event will take place at The Good Samaritan in Laurel. In recognition of Janosik’s charitable work, Senator Carper will present him with a flag that was flown over the U.S. Capitol. The current flag at Janosik Park will be retired and replaced with the new one. Senator Carper will then head to Georgetown for the University of Delaware’s Farm and Field Day. He will help open the Jones-Hamilton Environmental Poultry House. This state-of-the-art facility will be used to study indoor air quality and emissions from poultry houses. Finally, Senator Carper is pulling out his work boots, hammer and saw. The Senator will lend a hand to help build a Habitat for Humanity house in Georgetown. This home is part of “The House the Senate Built Program.” For more information on this program log onto: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 9:30am – 10:15am
Tour Blessings Aquaculture Farm
234 Blair Pond Road, Houston
11:00am – 12:15pm
Book Signing and Flag Raising with Johnny Janosik, The Good Samaritan
Corner of Market & Central Ave., Laurel
1:15pm – 1:45pm
University of Delaware Farm and Field Day
Opening of the Jones-Hamilton Environmental Poultry House
UofD, 16684 County Seat Highway, Georgetown
2:15pm – 3:15pm
Participate in Habitat for Humanity House Building
Conaway Street, Georgetown
