Senators: Recovery Plan = $10.9 Million For Delaware Law Enforcement

WASHINGTON – Sens. Tom Carper and Ted Kaufman (both D-Del.) today announced that Delaware will receive $10.9 million for law enforcement jobs and crime prevention under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that both U.S. senators voted for last month.

The senators said Delaware will receive $10,906,468 under the Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program to control and prevent crime, and improve the state’s criminal justice system.

“More cops on the street equals safer communities, plain and simple, and this funding accomplishes exactly that. Real money for real job creation in Delaware is the reason we both worked hard to get the economic recovery package approved last month,” the senators said. “Delaware can use this $10.9 million to put people to work in law enforcement efforts across our state, reduce crime, and relieve the enormous budgetary strains on our towns and counties.”

Chief Michael Capriglione, President of the Delaware Police Chiefs’ Council, expressed his sincere appreciation for the funding.

“This is a great statement of our senators’ commitment to the law enforcement community,” Chief Capriglione said. “More officers will be on the street, with better equipment, and academy classes can be saved from budget cuts. I’m grateful this stimulus money is making its way to our communities so quickly.”

More specifically, these JAG funds can be used for technical assistance, training, personnel, equipment, supplies and information systems in the state’s law enforcement programs; prosecution and court programs; prevention and education programs; corrections and community corrections programs; drug treatment programs; and planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs.

For the specific Delaware funding breakdown from the White House go to:
