On First Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, Senator Carper Visits Downes Elementary School in Newark

Carper Thanks Students for their Volunteerism; Presents School with Capitol-Flown Flag

Wilmington, DE – Senator Tom Carper will visit Downes Elementary School on Tuesday, August 29, 2006, the first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. A year after Hurricane Katrina, the worst natural disaster in the history of our country, we are seeing a great deal of rebuilding in Mississippi and in New Orleans. Senator Carper will recognize the efforts of the Downes Elementary School students and thank Mayor Vance Funk for Newark’s participation in adopting Pascagoula, Mississippi after the storm wrecked the town. Students at Downes raised over $2,000 to help rebuild Beach Elementary School in Pascagoula. In addition, they wrote books and sent them to Beach Elementary students, so they were able to share more than just money with the students who had lost so much. In appreciation for their hard work, Senator Carper will present students with a flag, previously flown over the United States Capitol, during the assembly. In addition to Newark Mayor Vance Funk, Senator Carper will be joined by New Castle County Council President Paul Clark and DEMA Citizen’s Corps Director, Bob George. Tuesday, August 29, 2006 10:00 am – 11:00 am Recognition and Flag Presentation Downes Elementary School 200 Casho Mill Road Newark
