Carper’s Excellence in Education Tour Rolls On, Will Hold Conversations on Education at Four New Town Meetings

Continuing his push to “make Delaware a model for the nation,” Senator Tom Carper will bring his Excellence in Public Education Tour to Wilmington, Newark, Lewes and Camden this week. Carper will host these Education Town Meetings to listen to Delawarean’s views on education reform and discuss a number of the education reform plans before the Senate, including President George W. Bush’s and the Carper-Gregg Charters Schools and Choice (Empowering Parents) Act. A former Congressman, Governor and Chairman of the National Governor’s Association, Carper has always made raising student achievement his priority. Last spring, test scores in reading and math showed improvement in every grade tested, in every county, and in every school district in Delaware. Under then-Governor Carper’s administration, Delaware became the first state to put into place a comprehensive system of standards, accountability, local control, and public school choice. Carper lead the successful effort to reduce class sizes in the early grades, raise teacher salaries, and is ending social promotion. Delaware was also the first state to wire every classroom to the Internet and the first to assess every school and post results on the Internet. Wednesday, April 18th in NEWARK – University of Delaware Trabant Center, Multi-purpose Room B., University of Delaware, Newark Campus 1:30 – 3:00 pm Wednesday, April 18th in WILMINGTON Bancroft Academy, 200 North Lombard Street 7:00- 9:00 p.m. Saturday, April 21st in CAMDEN Fred Fifer Middle School, 109 E Camden/Wyoming Avenue 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. Saturday, April 21st in LEWES Lewes Public Library Conference Room 2:00-4:00 p.m.
