Senator Tom Carper Responds to Newest Waste Leak at TVA

Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) issued the following statement in response to news from the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) that it is investigating a leak in the gypsum pond at its Widows Creek Fossil Plant in Stevenson, Ala., today.

WASHINGTON (Jan. 9, 2009) – Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) issued the following statement in response to news from the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) that it is investigating a leak in the gypsum pond at its Widows Creek Fossil Plant in Stevenson, Ala., today.
Sen. Carper is chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety, which has oversight jurisdiction over TVA:
"I am greatly disappointed to learn that TVA has another coal waste leak, just one day after we held a Senate committee hearing on another TVA leak three weeks ago at its Kingston Fossil Plant.
"I will remain in close contact with TVA to assess the impact at Widows Creek.
"I expect a public power utility like TVA to live up to the highest standards for public health and safety, and I will work with TVA to ensure that happens."
