- September 11, 2002
Carper Urges Nation to Reflect on 9/11 Anniversary
WILMINGTON, DE – Senator Tom Carper urged Delawareans to reflect with a moment of silence during the anniversary of September 11 this Wednesday: “We stand this September in silence and in respect. Not only to reflect on what we have lost, but also to take pride in what we have accomplished. We are a nation more united, a people more committed, and a society that’s stronger than at any point in my lifetime. It was said that last September 11th, the world stopped in horror. This year it will stop again – but this time in tribute. This September 11th is a day to remember those taken from us, and to show support for those fighting for us. Each day, the American soldiers leading the war against terrorism set new standards for bravery. Each day, they prove America’s might and demonstrate our resolve. If the next years of American history are as full of the courage and unity that defined us during the past year, our nation’s greatest time may truly lie ahead.”