- December 5, 2001
Energy Security, Environmental Protection and Economic Growth, Energy Bill Unveiled Today Includes Carper’s Efforts to Protect Environment, Stimulate DE Economy, offer Energy Security
WASHINGTON, DC – Measures Senator Tom Carper supported that would protect the environment, stimulate the local economy and increase America’s energy security were included in the Senate Energy Bill unveiled today by Majority Leader Tom Daschle and Senate Energy Committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman. “Delaware’s environment and economy will do very well under this bill,” Carper said. “At its core, this is a bill about the future. It does more than just provide safer, more reliable energy to the nation. By stressing renewable resources, it helps protect our environment. In our time of economic unrest, it provides new opportunities for Delaware farms and some industries. During this time of war, the bill offers us needed energy security by decreasing our dependence on foreign oil.” Carper, who received a special appointment to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, held a series of town hall meetings across the state in August that he called “Conversations on America’s Energy Future.” From these meetings Delawareans urged support for the following, each of which was included in the Senate bill:
- Increased support for alternate fuels like diesel made from soybeans, which clean up emissions and offer a new market for Delaware soybean farmers.
- Increased emphasis on renewable energy sources including solar power, wind, and biomasses like poultry litter. Delaware companies like AstroPower are leaders in solar technology, while biomass offers another solution to poultry waste pollution problems.
- A reduction in our dependence on foreign oil to better ensure energy safety.
- Increasing funding for Low Income Home Energy Assistance and weatherization grants to states.
- Not drilling in ANWR
- Mechanisms to reduce the possibility of ‘California-style’ blackouts
- Programs to provide for the construction or renovation of energy efficient schools
- Programs critical for the safe operation of nuclear power plants
- Increased attention to the development of fuel cells, which both DuPont and W.L. Gore plan to manufacture.
“Our goal with this bill was to develop a national energy policy that promotes conservation and improves efficiency while increasing the amount of reliable energy available to consumers,” said Carper, who is also a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee. “This energy bill is a giant step in that direction.”