Sen. Carper Commends Senate Vote to Extend Emergency Unemployment Benefits

WASHINGTON – Today, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) issued the following statement after the U.S. Senate cleared a procedural hurdle to extend long-term unemployment insurance for millions of American who are looking for jobs but have not yet found work.

 “Today I voted to extend emergency unemployment benefits for an additional three months for the 1.3 million Americans and 3,600 Delawareans who saw this vital assistance lapse just a few days after Christmas. At a time when unemployment remains far too high in far too many states, it doesn’t make sense to abruptly end these emergency benefits as our economy continues to recover from the worst economic crisis of my lifetime. While far from perfect, a three-month extension will provide struggling families with much-needed economic certainty in the new year and give Congress additional time to work out a long-term solution.

 “Previous reforms to this emergency program—which I supported—made sure the states with the highest unemployment rates received the most help in their time of need.  We also tightened the program to reduce fraud and ensure that states were doing everything they could to move people into jobs. We have a history of working together, albeit too often behind schedule, to extend this emergency program since the onset of the Great Recession.  At a time when there are three job seekers for every job opening, this time should be no different.

 “The families who saw their benefits lapse on December 28 are counting on the Senate to now get this short-term extension over the finish line. I remain hopeful we’ll be able to find compromise and send it to the House for their consideration.”
