Sen. Carper Honors Retired Delaware Division of Parks and Recreation Director on Senate Floor

Chazz Salkin retired after 35 years of service to the state

WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013, U.S. Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) honored retired Director of the Delaware Division of Parks and Recreation, Charles “Chazz” Salkin, on the floor of the U.S. Senate. In a floor speech, Sen. Carper remarked on his more than 35 years of service as an advocate for the educational, mental and physical benefits of state parks. To view a video of Sen. Carper’s floor speech, click here.

His remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

“Mr. President, it is with great pleasure that I rise on behalf of the Delaware Delegation to honor the exemplary service of the Director of the Delaware Division of Parks and Recreation, Mr. Charles A. “Chazz” Salkin. He was appointed Director on June 1, 1992 and continued to serve with distinction in that capacity for the eight years that I served as Governor, as well as for the next two Governors who succeeded me. Chazz is now retiring from that post after more than 35 years of service to the State of Delaware. For over three decades, he has been a tremendous leader and true advocate for the educational, mental and physical benefits of state parks. He is also a devoted husband to his wife of 40 years, Sue, who recently retired as Deputy Director of the Delaware Division of the Arts, and father to Emily, his daughter. His hard work, creativity and dedication will truly be missed.

“Since 1978, Chazz has played an active role in the expansion and preservation of Delaware’s open space areas and in the development of programs that introduce Delawareans and visitors of all ages to the historical and recreational benefits of our state parks. As he steps down from his position as Director of the Delaware Division of Parks and Recreation, we give our most sincere thanks to him and his staff for their diligent and longstanding efforts to maintain Delaware’s reputation as having one of the most dynamic and innovative park systems in the nation.

“Throughout his career, Chazz has been a visionary whose creativity and forward thinking has changed the very nature of our state parks system. From the institution of zip lines to kayak rentals, Chazz has done a tremendous job of inspiring a love of nature in all Delawareans. He has played an important role in securing Delaware’s footprint in the National Park System with the recent naming of the First State National Monument. His research, professional leadership and personal membership in organizations like the National Association of State Parks Directors and the National Association of State Outdoor Recreation Liaison Officers, have also supported Delaware’s natural resources and emphasized state parks’ value to Delaware’s financial success.

“Chazz has undoubtedly left a legacy of achievement, persistence and passion with the members of the Parks and Recreation team that has included hundreds of people over the past 35 years. We in the State of Delaware are truly grateful for everything Chazz has done to protect and preserve our state’s beauty and history.

“On behalf of Senator Chris Coons and Congressman John Carney, I wholeheartedly thank Chazz Salkin for his 35 years of service to the State of Delaware. His model leadership and dedication has improved the quality of life for residents and visitors to our great state. We offer our sincere congratulations on a job well done, and wish him many happy, healthy and successful years to come.”
