Senator Carper Statement on the Nomination of Martin O’Malley to Lead the Social Security Administration

Today, U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) released the following statement on Martin O’Malley’s nomination to serve as Commissioner of the Social Security Administration (SSA):

“It is great to see President Biden nominate my friend and fellow recovering Governor, Martin O’Malley to serve as Commissioner of the Social Security Administration. I’ve known Martin for a long time, and he is an excellent choice for this role.

“Martin’s tenure as Governor of Maryland and Mayor of Baltimore has prepared him well to lead this critical agency for America’s seniors. As Governor, he gained experience working on issues related to Social Security and retirement benefits, including handling large pension operations and providing health care to pension recipients. He also spearheaded efforts to use performance management technologies to strengthen government capabilities and efficiency throughout his time in public service.

“Martin’s leadership experience in state and local government and commitment to strengthening Social Security make him exceptionally well-suited to serve as the next Commissioner of the Social Security Administration, and I look forward to his swift confirmation.”

