Senator Carper’s Statement on the Senate Passage of the Bipartisan Continuing Resolution

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) released the following statement after the Senate voted to pass the bipartisan funding agreement, H.R. 9747, which will provide short-term funding for the federal government:

“Today, I joined my colleagues in the Senate to fund our government, and avoid a shutdown, which could have been disastrous for our nation. I’m glad that House Republicans came to their senses and put politics aside to join Democrats in advancing this bipartisan legislation. While I’m temporarily relieved, this is a band-aid solution, as it only maintains government funding through December 20th. I am hopeful that a longer-term solution can be found. I remain committed to working together so that Congress can do its job and ensure that the government and all its fundamental programs remain funded and functional.”

