Submit Your Congressionally Directed Spending Request for FY2022

Disclaimers: The Senate Appropriations Committee (SAC) will require Members of Congress to publicly post their requests online once submitted to SAC for consideration. Be aware that any and all information that you provide on your application may become publicly available in the future in order to comply with SAC and Congressional ethics requirements. In addition, be aware that submission of a request does not mean (1) that your request will automatically be made to the Appropriations Committee, or (2) that the Appropriations Committee will fund the request or fund it at the requested level. Please take these factors under consideration when deciding whether to make a request.

1. All request forms are DUE ON June 1, 2021, by close of business and must be submitted to the following email address: No exceptions to the deadline will be made. Early submission is encouraged.

2. Only FULLY COMPLETED forms will be considered. If any questions are not applicable, write “N/A.” Do not leave any areas blank. If any fields or answers are left blank on this form, or if any required documentation is not provided with your application, your request will not be submitted to the Appropriations Committee. 

3. If you have multiple requests, submit each request SEPARATELY.  Please do not request funding for more than one project on a single application form.  We also urge you to limit the number of requests. 

4. All requests must be submitted via E-MAIL. Please use the following format for the subject line of your e-mail: Organization’s Name followed by “FY22 Congressionally Directed Spending Request” and, if you are submitting multiple project requests, “Project #1 of x.” Due to the pandemic, please do not submit your application by mail. If you require special accommodations, contact the office at the email above. 

5. Eligible Grantees: Non-profits and government entities are eligible. No for-profit entities are eligible. If you are unsure of your project or organization’s eligibility, please contact the office ASAP.

6. No multiyear funding requests will be considered. When determining your submission, be aware of the following: SAC will only consider one-year funding requests. 

7. State and local matching requirements will not be waived if otherwise applicable. SAC will not waive matching requirements for projects that would otherwise have such requirements by statute or longstanding policy. 

8. Provide the following documentation, if applicable: 

  • Proof of non-profit status – Submit IRS documentation of non-profit status.
  • Demonstrated Community Support – All projects must have demonstrated community support. Examples include, but are not limited to: 
  • Letters of support from elected community leaders.
  • Press articles highlighting the need for the requested project.
  • Support from editorial boards.
  • Resolutions passed by city councils or boards.
  • Projects listed on State-use plans or community development plans.

Click the link under Related Files to access the form:
